

根据配电室内的火灾类型和面积,选择合适的消防灭火器。正是由于这个原因,许多公司都使用二氧化碳(C )灭火剂进行电力线的保护。 C 是一种无色、透明、惰性气体,其在一定程度上抑制了火焰的发展并防止氧气供应至火源。

为了火灾的安全,应尽可能使用干粉灭火器和二氧化碳灭火器。商城消防中心(以下简称中心规定,在配电室中使用三类灭火工具:干粉、雾化细水和气体混合物。由于这三种灭火方式所涉及的主要灭火剂成分不同,因此它们各自有不同的效果以及适用条件。 1 Dry Powder Dry powder is a type of fire extinguisher that uses dry non-toxic materials like aluminum magnesium oxide and bismuth sulfate to produce an instantaneous explosion when the trigger is pulled. This explosion creates a cloud of small particles that will absorb heat and oxygen from the fire preventing it from further spreading and draining away oxygen from the flames. Dry powder extinguishers are commonly used in electrical equipment and other areas where the risk of fires is high. 2 Fog or Wet Chemical Fog or wet chemical extinguishers use a liquid like water water-based foam or water-based glyme to create a layer that will smother the flames by blocking oxygen and trapping heat in a closed space. This method is effective against small fires but not so much for large ones as it may not be able to cover the entire extent of the fire. Fog or wet chemical extinguishers are commonly used in commercial and industrial settings with high risks of fires. 3 Gas-Filling Gas-filled extinguisher uses a mixture of gases like carbon dioxide nitrogen hydrogen or helium to create a vacuum that will remove oxygen from the fire area. This method is effective against large fires as it can remove oxygen from the entire extent of the fire and prevent further spreading. Gas-filled extinguishers are commonly used in commercial and industrial settings with high risks of fires.

在配电室中应该使用干粉灭火器。隔绝故障的紧急操作: 断开电源; 将手推式灭火器放置于故障地点,远离易燃物和火源之间,拔掉插头后按下喷射按钮(或旋转开关)向故障地点快速喷洒扑灭剂并用干布将火花吸起。





